Coker Men's Golf Finish 14th at Spring Kick-Off

Coker Men's Golf Finish 14th at Spring Kick-Off

Orange Park, Fla. – The Coker men's golf team finished 14th in the Spring Kick-Off Intercollegiate on Tuesday (Feb. 12), after shooting a combined team score of 616. 

Christopher Fuga led the field for the Cobras once again as he shot the team low 71.  Fuga had a two day score of 143 (+2).  Nicklaus Kennedy finished second for Coker with a second round score of 74 (+3), and a two round total of 150 (+8).  Matt Kreider and Josh Clay filled the final spots for the Cobras with second round scores of 78 (+7) and 84 (+13), to total their tournament scores at 159 (+17) and 164 (+22). 

During the two day, two round tournament the Cobras knocked down 81-pars, while collecting 14-birdies.

Georgia Southwestern finished in first place with a team score of 571, followed by King with 584.  Three teams tied for third: Lincoln Memorial (586), Central Oklahoma (586), and Saint Leo (586). 

The Coker men's golf team will compete again on February 25, at the Pirate Invitational.