Coker Esports falls to USC in Hearthstone Tespa Varsity Division

Coker Esports falls to USC in Hearthstone Tespa Varsity Division

HARTSVILLE, S.C.- The Coker University Esports team faced off against the University of Southern California Trojans in the Tespa Varisty Division Hearthstone on Tuesday (Oct. 6).

Coker started off with their Resurrect Priest Deck, which starts off slow but when it gets to the late game, will be able to heal and protect their health. The Trojans went with their Agro Demon Hunter, and just as Coker was able to stabilize, USC found lethal to win the first game. The second game was Coker's Resurrect Priest vs USC's Face Hunter, and again just before Coker was able to get the deck rolling, USC was able to find the win. Next was Coker's Face Hunter versus USC's Bomb Warrior. Coker found the damage quickly and put USC at 18 on just turn 4, but USC was able to find an Armorsmith combo to give themselves enough shield to go over max health. Coker was unable to find the damage to end the game, and USC won the match 3-0. 

The Cobras will be back in action on Thursday (Oct. 8) at 7:00 PM.