Cobras Take First in Three Events to Wrap Up Sunday

Cobras Take First in Three Events to Wrap Up Sunday

Cobras came out firing on Sunday as they took first in three out of five events the team competed in.

Five-Element Acro category

Coker's team of Lelia Brozowski, Zadie Dulaney, Kaylin Francavilla, and Kayla Young put on a stunning performance in the Five-Element Acro category, earning a score of 9.95 for their routine. Their precision, synchronization, and difficulty level impressed the judges and secured them the win in this event.

Synchronized Pyramid 

In the synchronized pyramid event, Coker looked determined as their routine was a thrilling display of teamwork and skill. The teams from Lander, Coker, and BAC all put on impressive performances, but it was Coker who came out on top with a score of 9.850. Led by team captain Hanna Helms, the Coker team executed their pyramid with precision and grace. Amber Garcia, Ariel Davis, and the rest of the team worked seamlessly together to create a stunning display of athleticism and coordination.

Open Pyramid

In the final event the Cobras won during the events. Coker put on a spectacular performance during the Open Pyramid event, earning them the top score of 9.875. The team, consisting of Hanna Helms, Elizabeth Farester, Tanner Bellush, Reilly Dehner, Callie Jones, Kayla Young, Ariel Davis, and Kaylin Francavilla, executed their routine flawlessly, showcasing their strength, agility, and synchronization.