Cobra Spotlight- Taylor Gaskins, Women's Golf

Cobra Spotlight- Taylor Gaskins, Women's Golf

The "Cobra Spotlight" is a weekly highlight of a student-athlete at Coker College. Each week we take a different athlete from a different sport and display some facets to get more familiar with them. This week we take a look at Taylor Gaskins a member of the women's golf team.

Name: Taylor Gaskins

Sport: Women’s golf

Hometown: Chapin, S.C.

Year: Freshman

Major: Physical education and sports studies with a concentration in exercise science.

Why did you choose Coker? I chose Coker because I just loved the campus and the golf program.

What is your best memory at Coker (athletic related)? Obviously the 6 a.m. workouts.

What is your best memory at Coker (non-athletic related)? My best friends and I have dance/karaoke parties when we are procrastinating on homework.

Which athletic team would you play on at Coker other than your own? Well, I can't catch, so softball is out of the question. I'm afraid of things flying at me, so basketball, lacrosse and tennis are out.  I don't do cardio, so cross country, soccer and track are out. I also have limited rhythm so I couldn't be on the dance team. If I didn’t play golf I think I would just watch Netflix…are Netflix marathons considered "athletics"?

Favorite class: Advanced Composition and Rhetoric

Favorite professor: Dr. Lay

Plans after graduation: I want to be a college golf coach, but if that doesn’t happen, I just want to be a nomad in Germany.

Favorite movie: Pocohontas

Favorite type of music: EDM

Favorite food: Seafood

Favorite sports team: I really only keep up with golf, but my favorite golfer is Keegan Bradley

Favorite color: Yellow

Favorite TV show: Dance Moms; enjoyed by middle school girls and myself.

Most prized possession: My grandmother’s ring. It was given to me after she passed away in 2010 and I always wear it.

What is something people may not know about you? I love unicorns. I have a unicorn stuffed animal named Henrietta and a unicorn headcover for my driver.

Do you have a nickname? If so, how did you get it? “Saskins”, there are two Taylor’s on the women’s golf team so we started going by last names. So I was just Gaskins, but I’m just such a sassy person to the men’s and women’s team combined that I am now called “Saskins”.

One word that describes you: Sassy