Cobra Spotlight- Rebecca Parham, Women's Cross Country

Cobra Spotlight- Rebecca Parham, Women's Cross Country

The "Cobra Spotlight" is a weekly highlight of a student-athlete at Coker College. Each week we take a different athlete from a different sport and display some facets to get more familiar with them. This week we take a look at Rebecca Parham, a member of the women's cross country team.

Name: Rebecca Parham

Sport: Women’s cross country

Position: Without a doubt I am definitely the prima donna of the team.

Hometown: Norris, SC

Year:  Freshman

Major:  Art with an emphasis on graphic design

Why did you choose Coker? I liked how small the classes were, the atmosphere on campus, and the fact that the professors really go above and beyond to help you.

What is your best memory at Coker (athletic related)?  All the different escapades that occur on the bus while traveling to and from meets.

What is your best memory at Coker (non-athletic related)?  Spending Memorial Day weekend at Myrtle Beach with Vanessa Pina, Hannah Cook, Nick Mascardo, Brit Tomlinson and Thomas Jenkins.

Which athletic team would you play on at Coker other than your own?  I think lacrosse would be a great fit for me seeing how I can be quite aggressive at times.

Favorite class: 2D Design

Favorite professor:  Jean Grosser

Plans after graduation:  To own and operate my very own graphic design company

Favorite movie: Sweet Home Alabama

Favorite type of music: I will listen to almost anything

Favorite food: Red Velvet Cake

Favorite sports team: Clemson Tigers. C-L-E-M-S-O-N T-I-G-E-RRRR-S Fight Tigers! Fight Tigers! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Favorite color: Sunshine Yellow  

Favorite TV show: Pretty Little Liars

Most prized possession: My Harvest Festival Queen sash and crown. After three years of competing in beauty pageants, it was the first crown and sash I ever won. I would always be close to winning, but never could pull it off. Finally, after a lot of preparation and hard work, I won my crown and sash. The crown and sash just reminds me that hard work and dedication pays off in the long run.

What is something people may not know about you?  I literally fear nothing

Do you have a nickname? If so, how did you get it?  Boss Becca. My friends always tell me I run things like a boss so the name kind of just stuck.

One word that describes you: CONFIDENT!