Cobra Spotlight- Jessi McKenzie, Women's Golf

Cobra Spotlight- Jessi McKenzie, Women's Golf

The "Cobra Spotlight" is a weekly highlight of a student-athlete at Coker College. Each week we take a different athlete from a different sport and display some facets to get more familiar with them. This week we take a look at Jessi McKenzie, a member of the women's golf team.

Name: Jessi McKenzie

Sport: Golf

Hometown: Hartsville, SC

Year: Sophomore

Major: English Education

Why did you choose Coker? It’s close to home, I love Hartsville and absolutely love our coach, Tommy Baker.

What is your best memory at Coker (athletic related)? While at a golf tournament, I convinced Taylor Demby that salt heated butter and after smashing her hand in it, she rubbed the butter all over coach’s face. He was a good sport about it. We laughed for days.

What is your best memory at Coker (non-athletic related)? Winning first place in the student art show my first semester. I didn’t expect it.

Favorite class: Basic design

Favorite professor: Dr. Foster

Plans after graduation: Teach in public schools for 2-5 years while working on my master’s in hope of becoming a professor or principal.

Favorite movie: The Proposal. I dance like Sandra Bullock in the woods scene when I’m alone.

Favorite type of music: Anything unique and mellow. Love Jack Johnson/Pablo Blaqk/Matthew Mayfield

Favorite food: I just love food in general. I couldn’t choose even if I wanted to.

Favorite professional sports team: I don’t really keep up with professional sports. I’d rather play it than watch it.

Favorite color: Aqua

Favorite TV show: Workaholics

Most prized possession: My family

What is something people may not know about you? My little brother’s my hero. He has a bone disease that prevents a lot of physical activity. His strength has taught me to appreciate my health and how to laugh at the good and bad in life. I try to make the most of every day and try to take advantage of every chance I get to laugh.